Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Anna Faith Carlson AKA the "Frozen" Elsa Look-Alike Likes to show off her new boobjob

So, Yeah there you have it with proof comparison with her instagram pictures.


  1. Based solely on her IG pictures relating this and others and her iPhone case, this isn't a new picture. Her window of surgery date was anywhere between 14-8 months ago, only 14-9 months was the window before she became famous for the look-alike fame. In the pictures before, she had curves just has much as she does now. I guess her and her parents thought it it would help her modeling career if she looked more mature(she only turned 18 last Nov so she might have 17 when the surgery happened).

    1. Dude, that's kinda wack. And most she's got out of it is being a one trick pony and having her mom pester Angel Secret till they sent her free costumes.

    2. Dude, that's kinda wack. And most she's got out of it is being a one trick pony and having her mom pester Angel Secret till they sent her free costumes.
